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Indoor Plants Service and Solutions for You

Succulent & Cactus

They bring beauty to the house .Their potting mix or soil is original .Their soil can be prepared in three ways:

Succulent and cactus soil made:

1. 40%- cinder (Blacksmith Salwar Gyasi )

20%- cocopeat .

20%- perlite .

20%- Verm compost .

2. Red sand- 40%

Verm compost- 30%

Cocopeat – 10%

Perlite – 10%

Wood charcoal ,Neemkhol ,Bone mill-10%

3. Red sand – 60% (Which has more stones)

Brick wall – 5% (Small pieces)

Verm compost – 10% or ketchup fertilizer.

Tea leaf fertilizer – 5% (Nitrogen fills)

Wool charcoal -5%

Cocopeat -15%

Fungicide Indophile half teaspoon should be given .

*Plant food: Verm compost should be given once in a month as plant food .Soak the Verm compost in water and spray that water on the leaves of the plant and give it at the base or give it as tea leaf fertilizer .
