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Orchid Plant

****Types of Orchids: There are two types of orchids. 1.Terristrial and 2.Epiphytic.

1.Terrestrial :Terrestrial orchids include Spathoglottis plicata or ground orchids.

Ground Orchid Plant

2.Epiphytic: Epiphytic is again of two types. Monopodial and sympodial.

Monopodial Orchids :Monopodial Orchid leaves emerge from both sides. Flower spikes emerge from inside the leaves. For example, Vanda orchid tree. Its flower likes 6/7 hours of sunlight and also likes water a lot.

Monopodial Orchids Plant

Sympodial orchids : Sympodial Orchids produce many bulbs like bulbs. Water is retained inside these bulbs. Therefore, this plant needs less water. For example, the Dendrobium Orchid Plant.

Dendrobium Orchids plant

***Best Potting Mix For Orchids :

*Coconut Husk *Crushed Red Brick *Charcoal *Coco Peat *River Soil *Vermicompost. Mix equal amounts of potting mix well.

***Method of planting trees :First of all, put the pitched pieces of coconut in the soil tub, then plant the plant with the prepared soil and add the rest of the soil. Cover with a thin layer of coconut with soil and water it with a piece of brick.

**After a week place the plant under good sunlight. For fast rooting and flowering use.

***Orchid Food :This plant likes any nitrogenous fertilizer very much. Shell rot fertilizer should be given every 15 days. Again chemical fertilizer MPK 19 19 19 or any combination, after spraying on the leaves can also be given to the soil in a small amount once every 10 days.

***Orchid water And Roots :Water should be given every three days. Many roots emerge at the base of the plant, which can be kept with the roots or covered with equal amounts of vermicompost and sand to look beautiful.
