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Croton Plants

Unique beauty is in the leaves of this tree .There are different species or colors .This plant can be planted in 6/8 inch tubs .If you want to make it bigger, you have to take a big tub .you have to keep it in a place that gets enough light and air .Morning sun should be applied for 2/3 hours once a week .Leaves drop in winter and growth slows down .The growth of this tree is very good during the rainy season .A little moisture should be kept at the root of this tree, which means that the soil cannot be completely dried .In the case of making seedling, the dal can be kept in water, in that case the dal should be kept in a glass container with few leaves and the water should be changed every three days .

For beautiful oysters : When the tree is one year old, then it has to be pruned so that it looks round from all around .

Soil preparation : Equal amount of soil, sand, take vermicompost .A handful of cocopeat and nimkhol should be added in it .

Plant food : As food, 1 teaspoon of vermicompost and nimkhol should be mixed once every month, the soil around the plant should be removed and spread, then watered with the soil .
