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African violet

African Violet is very easy to keep as an indoor plant. It flowers and grows very well. This plant is bright and full of beauty. While watering the plant, care should be taken not to get water on the leaves, because if water gets on the leaves, the leaves of the tree will get damaged and become damaged. If the flowers or leaves are dry or wilted, then the flower or leaf spike should be cut and the plant should be kept clean. The soil of the tree should always be kept moist but the root of the tree should not be kept wet. If the root of the tree is wet, the tree can be damaged. This tree will grow well under light, air or lights. But if you put it in too much sun except for the morning sun, the leaves will burn and if you give too much water, the leaves will burn.

***African violet plant soil: Mixing red sand with cocopeat allows air to enter the roots of the plant easily so that the plant grows easily. Care should be taken that the water does not dry up and too much water cannot be accumulated. It grows well at 35 degrees Celsius and the leaves get damaged or burnt in high temperatures.

***African violet plant food: Grow Fertilizer and Blue Fertilizer should be given every 2 months. If Grow Fertilizer is given, the leaves will grow but flowers will not come as much and Blue Fertilizer will give flowers.

***New seedlings: It is easy to make new seedlings from the leaves of this tree, after four months a beautiful tree is formed.

***Potting the plant or selecting a large container: When the plant grows up, the plant should be planted in a large container so that it can grow. Care should be taken while potting.

***African violet plant disease: If you cut off the old leaves of the African violet tree and do not water it too much, this plant does not have any diseases. However, Neemwell should be sprayed once a month.

***African violets come in different colors but the blue color is very beautiful and bright.
